Human Resources

Paramedical & Administrative Staff
Human Resources

Our comprehensive heart care team of board-certified Physicians and professionals offers the latest in educational and medical services. Our surgeons, cardiologists, urses and other staff work very closely as a team and collaborate every step of the way, to provide you with the areas leading heart care centre.
Dr. Parvindar Singh Interventional Cardiologist
Dr. Mahesh Basarge Interventional Cardiologist
Dr. Shomu Bohora Cardiac Electrophysiologist
Dr. Pankaj Maheshwari Cardiac Surgeon
Dr. Gaurang Chhatriwala Cardiac Anesthetist
Dr. Jayesh Shah Radiologist
Dr. Dhiren Shah Pathologist
Mr.Janak Patel Finance Director

At BHIRC, we are committed to understanding, controlling and preventing diseases of the heart and circulatory system. And to do so, we offer our facilities to other visiting Cardiologists, Cardiac Surgeons, Consultant Physicians and other specialty consultants, for management of their Cardiac patients.