Physiotherapy & Fitness Department
- Excercise & Fitness
- Meditation
- Relaxation
- Yoga Sessions
- Self actualisation (vedanta) Classes
- Food fundamentals
- Lifestyle management programs
- Music therapy
Yoga & Meditation
Why Yoga for kids, Teenagers and Youngsters?
- There are under a tremendous amount of stress from education, their environment, peer competition and expectations from media, stress affects the way children learn and interact with their health, well-being and confidence. Traditional yoga creates the ultimate learning adventure while helping youths de-stress and relax.
- Devlop strong, Limber & healthy bodies.
- Set a lifelong foundation for well being.
- Foster creative expression, imagination
- increase focus, concentration and attention span
- Cultivate self esteem, setting patterns of success and achievement
- Relax and sleep better
- Cope with life stressors more effectively
- Discover a sense of awarness and respect for themselves for others and the world around them.
Fitness for Women
With changing times there has been a tremendous focus on fitness of body, mind and soul, especially for women, fitness means the ability to get on with life without becoming exhausted by normal daily activities. for most people being fit also means feeling well and looking good.
- Yoga and exercise relieves the symptoms of premenstrual tension (PMT) and periods pain.
- Women who get and stay fit before and during pregnancy often experience less back and labor pain than women who are unfit, fit-mothers to be usually avoid becoming overweight and regain their shape quickly giving birth.
- Women fitness (WF) believes that every women can achieve a desired body if she believes in herself and works wholeheartedly to achieve a heartly and fit body. No matter what comes in her way.
- These changes will help not only her but also her family for we believe that every women can design a healthy home if she believes in the various characteristics which makes a healthy, fit and positive personality.
Why do Yoga ?
- Yoga makes you feel better. Practicing the postures, breathing exercises and meditation makes you healthier in body, mind and spirit. Yoga let's you tune in, chill out, shape up all the same time. for many people that's enough of an answer, specifically, research show that yoga helps manage or control anxiety, arthritis, asthma, back pain, blood pressure, depression, diabetes, epilepsy, headaches, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, stress and other conditions and diseases, what's more, yoga...
- Improves muscle tone, flexibility, strength and stamina
- Reduces stress and tension
- Boosts self esteem
- Improves concentration and creativity
- Lowers fat
- Improves circulation
- Stimulates the immune system
- Creates sense of well being and clam.