I found that the best cardiac care at the best possible prices were available in India and Baroda Heart was at the forefront of providing the best healthcare. He made the journey to India for his triple bypass at Baroda Heart and was touched by the care he received from all the staff and specialists at Baroda Heart.
_ Prakash Goswami
I want to thank all the staff members for his immense generosity, good medical care, advice and everything he did to me during my hospital stay. I must say a big thanks to him and the team of doctors of Baroda Heart. God bless you all.
_Kalpesh Brahmakhstriya
I am really very happy that we have such wonderful doctors with us whose greatness is experienced beyond words. You do make us (Indians) feel proud. Hats Off To You! and Thank You once again and always. May the Almighty grant you success at every step (you really deserve it).
_Pankaj Patel
"This is one of the best hospitals I have ever visited. Good work in all areas. Doctors are good and helpful. I will be your ambassador in my country. Expect more people from my country."
_Ramnilas Sinha
"The doctors took excellent care of our beloved parents. In fact, they performed a miracle for us. The patel family will ever remain grateful to the doctors of the Baroda Heart."
_Radhika Godke